
Quarter life crisis?

25 tahun 3 hari (tepat ini di-posting) umur gue. Well, bukan sesuatu yang membanggakan, tetapi lebih pada sesuatu yang patut disyukuri. Tuhan yang Maha Sabar dan Baik masih memberikan berkat nafas untuk hidup di dunia yang fana ini (keren begini yah kata-katanya…=P). Tapi emang beneran. Kalo orang bilang ulang tahun harusnya party-party donk Tine?? Gue bilang, bukan party yang penting tapi berkumpul dan mengucap syukur yang penting.

Intinya adalah : “Men men udah seperempat abad yah gue idup di bumi”
Huahahahahahahahaha..kata orang ada yang namanya Quarter Life Crisis. Kalo ditanya gue ngalamin engga??? Jawabnya TENTU TIDAK!! (jujur!).
Kenapa??? Yah mana gue tau, secara gue bahagia-bahagia ajah tuh idupnya, meskipun di hari ultah gue pulang lembur dari kantor. Dan yah agak sedih karena orang kos lupa semua!!! PARAH khan!!! Iks..iks..

Welcome to the Club kata temen gue. Emang ada club apa yah? Mahjong? Hehehehehe..apa wisata kuliner?fotografi?atau klub nonton?? Ikutan donk…
Eniwei, intinya adalah, I’m 25 now, Single, and amazingly HAPPY!!
Age is just numbers. What should it become to be? Kaya sebelumnya gue bilang di posting Ember Bocor, umur dan kebijaksanaan tidak sejalan. Jadi?? No need to be afraid to be 25 years old young lady. Btw, gak apa2 koq tanya umur sama gue, asal bukan timbangan ajah..^_^
Emang quarter life crisis apa yah? Gue juga kurang mengerti, jadi daripada menuh-menuhin otak dengan hal-hal ga penting, mendingan ga usah dipikirin. Nti ajah pas lagi ga ada topic pas kumpul temen2 baru gue tanyain akh..Hehehehehehe….

Tau ga tau ga..akhir2 ini gue menanti event/orang/ sesuatu yang bisa bikin gue berdebar-debar neh....Uhmmm...jantungku perlu olahraga nih...anybody want to try ???? ;-p

Ember bocor!

Setiap orang pasti punya mulut. Banyak orang seneng dengan mulut yang mereka punya. Mereka bisa bicara. Bicara banyak hal, Cerita ini itu. Bawa berita ini itu. Tebar kata-kata ke sana kesini. Banyak fungsi mulut. Ciuman (hehehehe), makan, minum, mengigit (sebenernya gigi, tapi gigi khan di dalam mulut yah!) dan lain lain.

Ada orang yang tau fungsi mulut dengan baik. Ada yang merawatnya dengan sebaik-baiknya, menghiasnya supaya makin manis dan cantik dengan lipstick atawa gincu. Tapi banyak orang ga tau kapan harus diem dan tutup mulut!!! Amazingly, bukan Cuma cewek yang begitu. Bahkan seorang pria pun ternyata bisa!!!!! Pria oh pria macam gituh..mau jadi apa kau!!!! Pria gossip???
Can’t not stop thinking (baca : ga abis pikir gue!).

Anyway, untungnya dan sialnya juga, rahasia itu bukan ttg gue personal. Kalo sampe iyah, siap2 ajah tuh orang gue labrak (macannya gue kuar neh!). Jadi manusia koq yah begitu, udah tua juga, masih ga bisa ngerem mulut. Kaga tau kapan mesti diem dan kapan mesti buka mulut. Buset banget deh!! Dasar ember bolong. Masih untung dia idupnya ga deket2 sama gue, kalo ga bisa gue monyongin seumur idup deh (berlebihan gini yah gue…?) Eniwei, emang yah, gue bener2 ga bisa berenti mikir deh. Jadi yah sebenernya ketika die bilang “iya, gue ga akan cerita” itu artinya apa yah? Mungkin seharusnya dia lebih baik jawabnya : “iya, gue ga akan cerita ke orang laen di depan elo, tapi kalo elonya ga tau sih gue tetep cerita2 sama orang laen.”
I think that answer is much better!!! ~ at least much more honest ~ RESE banget neh temen gue! Beneran..(map yah kata2nya jadi kurang pantas).

Jadi mikir deh, seberapa banyak sih manusia ini bilang iya tapi pada akhirnya melakukan yang sebaliknya? Gue rasa banyak yah, dan tidak terkecuali gue pasti pernah melakukannya (gue masih manusia juga koq). Dan gue selalu berpikir kalo manusia itu semakin gede angka usianya, harusnya manusia bisa semakin bijaksana dan semakin tahu mana benar dan salah, tau kapan diam dan bicara. Ternyata emang umur cuma sekedar angka penghias kue dan buat diisi di formulir-formulir doang. Ternyata kebijaksanaan tidak berjalan linear dengan usia sama sekali.

Kekesalan yang sedikit membawa pengetahuan lebih ttg tabiat seorang teman…Hope you learn from my mistakes of trusting the wrong person.
Lesson learned!


People come and go in our life. Some might go because they have to, some might go because they want to, some may go because they want to pursue something else, some may go because they need to…
For whatever reason they do it, there will always a ‘goodbye’. Goodbye is something we common say when we split to go home from the office, when we separated on the way back home, and many daily activities. For any reasons goodbye said, I always HATE it.

Yesterday, I had another goodbye to one of our team member in the office. I hate it. I didn’t even kiss or hug her. I dare not do it for the sake of myself and herself. I’m not good in saying goodbye. If you’re reading this, I’m truly sorry…For sure, I see you were trying to be tough that moment. ^_^ You survive!!!

I’m going to dedicate this writing for her :

Life’s been always a path we never know what lies ahead. That is the best of life! We don’t know. We rely on our feeling and mostly gut. Your choice brings you to your next destination. My choice to sit here instead of hanging out with my friends have its consequences. And your choice of reading my blog at the moment instead of doing your job brings another consequences too. Consequences may lead to bad or good. Depends on how you see it. Back to our main topic. Choice is the noun. Let see the verb : to choose. Simple word. To do it?? Not as simple as it may be said. Everybody has their dilemmas in choosing. You chose your words when you are talking, you chose your dress each morning, you chose your breakfast every morning, you chose your road, you chose to walk on which side, you chose where to have your lunch, you chose someone to talk to, you chose friends whom you want to hang out with, and so on.

Choosing is not easy. It takes your GUT. Why? Because you have to compromise with your heart to accept whatever consequences coming out of it, because you have to fight with your ego. To choose of not doing something for the sake of somebody else is so noble and so amazing. Especially when it is you who make the sacrifice and you make peace with yourself of it. Not putting your ego first is so amazing. Putting others above you has always deserved of HUGE COMPLIMENTS. It is not ME first, but You/They first. Imagine that! In other sentence is you sacrifice yourself sincerely. I would not be able to do that yet at the moment. I envy somebody who is able to do it. I know someone who is capable of doing it too. Many factors make you to choose. Some come from outside ourselves, some come from within. I believe, whatever come from outside, still the choice is always in our hand. Hence, I am amazed to my friends who are very brave to take a gigantic leap in their life. I know sometimes we do it because we have to do it and there are just no other options. Options are always there, but we might not be able to see it. Anyway, picking a choice apparently is not a personal matter at all, more to come with our surroundings. Some agree and support our choices, but of course there were always more of disagreements. They didn’t like our choice. They are truly against it. Instead of supporting, they are more trying to change our mind. They try to make us hesitate. They just don’t want you to do it. They say their reasons. They say why you shouldn’t do it. They point out the bad consequences. They told you for not doing it at all. They say if they can do it the other way around, why couldn’t you, They say why should you do differently since many can do it and survive, They say instead of picking it why not do this and that. They do many more. But, one thing for certain, at first hand, Do they ever since the first time ever try to listen and understand the reasons behind our choices????? Some may listen and understand. Mostly can not understand! ‘ I can not understand at all why is she picking that option’, that mostly what they say. OF COURSE!!!!!!!

I would be amazed to anybody who can say I understand at first. They weren’t standing in our shoes. How come they know and understand it? It’s just simply because they are not us! If they were us, I bet they would not make the same choice also. People are created differently, why bother becoming upset of others’ choices. It is ourselves whom we should think of. Instead of wasting your energy protesting their choices, why not spend sometime to think and talk to her about it, and try to see from her point of view. I’m sure we would at least understand the choices made, at least a little more.

Hhhhhhhhhh…Choosing might seems easy, but life the consequences is harder!

[special for you ~ I think you know who you are~ ]
I respect your choice, I support you in my pray, I hope you to the very best, I hope yet the best will come eventually, I’m gonna miss you so much. I’m gonna miss you teasing me around. I’m gonna be ‘autis’ lagi neh. Jia You! Thank you for the short but full of story moments. Love ya…