
Akunting oh akunting

Take this word form someone who happen to be trapped by her own choice :


Penyiksaan selalu datang di akhir bulan, closing Lah, Reporting Lah, Analisa lah, Reconcilliation lah, Tie up lah, Matching Lah, SOX audit lah, Financial Audit lah, Migrasi data lah, ini lah itu lah..

SIAL NEH..!! (forgive my language!)

Tau gini gue sekolah bahasa ajah yah!! (ternyata kata yang sekolah bahasa sama ajah kaya gue!)

Emang seru ngutak ngatik angka!! Sumpah! (kata agama gue ga boleh sumpah lagi..andaikata gue boleh sumpah deh...) Seru bangett...tapi kalo ga diburu2 yah..dan sialnya tuh orang2 'diatas' suka kurang tau kalo dapur kotor itu selalu becek dan detil dan mumet....udah last minute masih ajah minta rubah ini itu, tapi ujung2nya malah tetep minta angkanya kuar!! MUMET Khan!!!

kali aja yah gue bisa kasi angka rekening tabungan gue...
Hhhh..mendekati hari Kamis dan gue masih disini, duduk di kantor...OMG!!!!
Beruntunglah kalian wahai temen2ku....(ini sudah lama tidak terjadi pada kami, tapi mbok yah kenapa mesti terulang kembali yah???)

Pendapat mu akan diriku......

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, gue minta saran dari temen-temen buat topic di blog ini. Terus, tiba-tiba datanglah saran ini :
- Review quality movie, share your thought about it.
- Recent rainy season
- Jazz goes to campus! :)
- Spiritual experience
- Women liberation
- Chinese wisdom & success story :)

Oh, seriusnya..dan serunya..! tapi 1 topic di atas tuh yang bikin mikir yah mengenai women liberation. uhmmm..someday i'll write about it yah..but not now..kayanya butuh riset dan pengalaman dulu kali yah..=) (gaya bener pake riset! padahal ini cuman blog!)

Iyah, hari ini gue kepikiran mengenai "seperti apa sih gue di mata orang laen, terutama yang baru kenal...?" Seperti apa yah??? Sebenernya ga bisa gue yang tulis, tapi berdasarkan pengalaman gue, kalo gue kenalan or baru kenalan sama temennya temen, pasti banyak bener yang nyangkanya beda...

Berdasarkan pengalaman, banyak banget yah yang nyangka gue ini :
1. Anak baik-baik yang ga tau dunia hitam.
2. Cewek cerewet centil yang suka gangguin cowok2 sebelah kamar gue (padahal sebelah gue dapur dan kamar cewek..hehehehehehe).
3. Anak yang suka banget hang-out dan rajin jalan2...
4. Cewek manja yang ga bisa naek bus, or kendaraan umum.
5. Cewek yang punya gaya hidup mahal dan borju or pokoknya ada hubungannya dengan yang mahal2 gituh deh...
6. Cewek pendiam (belum tau ajah die...)
7. de - el - el de-el-el

eniwei,kenapa gue menulis ini, karena seringkali dan banyak kali yang mikir gue salah sejak awal. Yah emang hal lumrah dan pasti sih, cuman kan yah mau gimana lagi yah, namanya juga baru kenal.Kalo langsung tau gue orangnya begini begitu, malah takut temenan gue mah...=)
Iyah, pernah neh ada temen yang ujug2 bilang kalo die mah ga suka dugem2 gituh, clubbing juga, dan ngomongnya ituh loh yang bikin kesannya gue itu anak gaul yang sering begituan (busett...Jangan mikir jorok yah!). Terus ada lagi temen yang nyangka, kalo gue ga pernah naek bis di ibukota ini, secara pas setiap gue ketemu die dan ditanya naek apa, jawabnya pasti naek taxi..(padahal alesannya simply karena gue ga tau rute bus dan biasanya waktu berangkat mepet2..), oh iyah, padahal jaman kos di bdg ampe skr juag sih, sering banget gue jadi kamusnya akutan umum, bisa2nya temen gue telp ke gue cuman tanya kalo mau ke Shangrila dari Ratu Plaza naek apa? terus neh yah (kaya pembelaan diri yah gue, gpp lah..) kalo diienget2 yah kayanya gue banyakan naek bis deh daripada naek taxi, secara pulang rumah ajah naek bis, tapi transportasi favorit gue adalah ojek (yg pernah hampir bikin gue celaka juga..) terus ada juga yang berpikir gue ini anak yang jutek dan ga gaul (ini pastinya anak gaul banget!), terus banyak juga yang mikir gue ga uptodate mengenai musik..(maroon 5 lah..ini lah itu lah), apalagi yah..oh banyak yang mikir kalo gue ini pendiam dan jutek (gile benerrr!), apalagi yah, oh banyak yang mikir gue ini ramah (ini bener yah! tapi bukan rajin menjamah yah!), yah pokoknya banyak dah...!!!!!

Intinya, busett banget yah, kita ga pernah tau orang itu sebenernya kaya apa sampe kita mengganti pendapat prejudice kita dengan kenyataan yang kita terima dengan mengenal orang tersebut. Yah gak mau muna juga yah, gue juga pernah begitu, ada kesan yang pasti ditangkep dari pertemuan dengan seseorang yang baru kita kenal, misalnya neh gue pernah mikir nih temen gue orangnya jutek (jarang senyum bo!), udah gue cengir-in dari jauh aja masih still cool mode gituh..(malesin khan!), ehh...ternyata emang begitu karena die merasa kenal gue begitu2 doank, jadi ga mau basa-basi..BUSETTTT!!! Yah tiap orang beda2 lah yah, kalo sama susah bedain antara aku dan dia....^_^

suka apa?

Tadi pagi ada seseorang tanya gue : "Jadi suka lagu model2 siapa???"
Hehehehehehehehe...jawabannya PoP Rock! dan menurut gue ini ga nyambung (secara pertanyaannya siapa, bukan apa) =P (hasil ngetik sms di ojek yah beginilah...)
Well, baru kali ini kepikiran yah, sebenernya sih gue sukanya banyak..tergantung mood gue......
Kayanya udah lama yah ga bener2 serius memperhatikan dan mendengarkan musik.
Well, skr kalo ditanya musik, mungkin udah ketinggalan berita kali yah..=(
Eniwei, kalo skr boleh bilang, mungkin gue lebih fasih bicara mengenai film dan mengenai buku..
Tau ga sih, nih pertanyaan memicu pertanyaan balik sama diri gue sendiri!
Iyah yah, sebenernya gue ini suka musik seperti apa??? Bukan cuman pada musik saja, tapi lebih pada apa sih yang bener2 gue suka?? Kalo gue pikir2 yah, pernah tuh gue baca profilenya temen di friendster, terus mereka bisa ngetik gitu in true details (even sampe ke merek!) akan favoritnya..SALUTE deh...
Kalo gue beneran ditanya..jawabannya yah bingung..hehehehehehehehe..tapi yang pasti gue suka Melvil Poupaud (Broken English). hhhh..seandainya ada pria dengan kombinasi mematikan seperti itu..mungkin..langsung 'lemah hati'ku...(berlebihan banget yah?? ;PP)
BENERAN men...secara gue ini melankolis yang suka romantisme picisan dan yang melow melow deh..(maklum sagitarius dan sanguin melankolis).
Ok, back to the real topic. Kenapa gue nulis begini, karena dari sebuah pertanyaan yang memicu itu, gue jadi lebih mengenal diri gue sendiri dan skr gue sadar sesadar2nya bahwa gue ini anaknya ga fokus-an.....PARAH khan!!! Hehehehehehehehe...Christine gitu lho..kalo ga begitu, bukan gue lah..
Selain itu gue menemukan juga (udah tau dari lama sih) kalo gue ini adalah orang yang urat seni musiknya udah putus kayanya mah..secara nyanyi di Gereja aja, bisa2nya diketawain (kecuali AMIN yang dinyanyiin!) sama temen sebelah gue..dan bukan cuman sekali dua kali, tp berkali-kali...Pastur ajah bohwat ngajarin gue nyanyi...alat musik yang gue bisa maenin apa yah?oh, recorderhehehehe...Tapi kalo soal baca, nonton, nulis, ngarang, ama ngayal...Ayo deh..dari yang lucu, serius, jorok dan sampe yang kaga jelas...gue ladenin deh..huehehehehehehehehehehehe.....
Gini yah, karena ternyata dalam proses pengetikan ini gue digangguin, jadi kalo tulisannya ga nyambung yah maaph yah..besok deh gue cari inspirasi lagih...
Thanks for reading....!!
For the first time in my working days :
I HATE MY MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Seize the day!

How often do you hear the sentence? Not so often is my answer. Anyhow, I am inspired by one of my friend's blog. I read and think that many people know the theory but not implementing it in daily life. I happen to be one of them too for certain aspects of my life. There are so many self-help books we can find in bookstore. I have many of them. Various topics. (you can borrow them, if you treat the book nicely =p). I read many theories. This and that. Here and there. You should do this, you should do that and so on and on. How many do I implement in my life? I would say less than half of them. And I can say for certain, bottom line all books talk the same core topic. For example, the latest famous book is The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. How many of you have it? I have one. Well, at least, although you don’t have it, I believe you ever heard or see it being displayed on bookstore. It teaches you about controlling your mind ( I haven’t finished reading them, the 1st 20s pages said so..). This, for sure, isn’t the first time I knew about this. I happen to know since a long time ago, that your mind and thought have MEGA POWER. Do you want to prove it??? Easy! ( I will give you tips if you want to try, but truly not recommended, unless you have know the strength of your mind).

Many comes and resulted from your thoughts. There is a saying : “You are what you eat”. What about “You are and will be what you thought” I can say, somebody will be somebody you thought, until you find out the fact that he’s not as what you think. That applies to the other things in this world too. How many of you chose to live the day in happiness each morning? I don’t think many people do this. I don’t have the time to think about it, they say. You don’t have the time to think how you will pass one single day, but you do have the time to think about the food you’re going to eat, the road to pass to the office, the appointments you were going to attend, the movies you were going to watch, the person you were going to call, the books you were going to read. How are those things be more important than HOW WOULD YOU LIVE THE DAY TODAY???

Think about this, every morning, when you open your eyes, you are blessed! God gave you more time to live in this temporary world. Have you ever really think how you are going to set your day today? Are you going to live the day given to you, full of happiness, or in sadness and misery. I prefer the first one. Happy. Being happy is much better than sad. You decide, how do you see this world and how do you see your day going to be.
Maybe you think, C’mon Christine, easy to say, but no prove! Well, I’m not going to judge or advice anything to you at all. It is your true and free choice. If you want to try and reflect it in your life, try one day, and do it again the next day. Maybe, YOU can tell me, how it feels. Bottom line, you have the rights to chose and how you would react to every events in this life…. It’s all yours and God’s.

Singles out there.......

I don’t know how many people are singles these days. I don’t know how many people do not want to get married. I do not know how many men and women are searching their soul mate. I do not know much and the exact numbers of them. I know some people are being single by choice. Some happen to be single since they are quite picky. Some are being single because they were too late to realize that they have forgotten to look for their couple, and put their career on their top priority. Anyway, I don’ t know and don’t want to know. But for sure, I know some people surrounding me, who are in the searching. I guess this put me on the count.

I happen to be single by choice until last year. And by stupidity I would say. Okay, let’s not talked about me more. I think searching the right one is not as easy as it seems, especially when we have our un-negotiable demands or say criteria. I know we have to open our heart and try at first. But, Why wasting your time when you can not find what you’re looking for in the person? I don’t think I will answer this question. I don’t even know what the answer is. Everybody have their rights to be picky and choose the best amongst all. However, what I learnt from past experience, you should be choosy but not picky! I remember one of my colleague, told this sentence to me when I was in high school. He told me, that I was picky. Gosh, I smelled disappointment there…=)

Well, I don’t know, I don’t think I have the rights to tell anybody more. Life is funny sometime. There are people who are looking for their half. Meanwhile, there are people in whom already have their partner (apart from whether it is their soulmate or not!) but feels not satisfied and starts to flirt left and right. People! (this I guess include me as ‘people’ too). Some complains about their status, some tried very hard to widen their social life, some expect others to introduce them to new people, some singles help each other (right friend?!), some are busy with their ex-es, some are busy with their crazy thoughts, some are even don’t care and keep chasing their career. It’s their choice anyway. I do respect it. Anyway, I had this topic across my mind, since there are so many friends who were getting married lately. And of course, not to mention my mom, who is always bringing up this topic everytime I was at home. I know mum, I will get married, but first I have to find the one who’s going to surrender his life to be attached to me for the rest of his life (geese, imagine that!). I’m in searching now, I’m widening my social life now, I am asking every friends I have to introduce me, I am still doing my job in the office until late night..Phew, multi tasking is hard!! Hahahahaha…

Bottom line, I just want to say, Don’t give up in searching! One of my friend told me, it is not the quantity that matters, but what matters is in the end, you will find the correct one……………….

Happy Searching…^_^

high school mate, keripik padang & romantic rain

Uhmmm..haven’t much time to type anything for the blog.
Anyway, Life’s been great so far. I would conclude it as so far so good…Many interesting events. I had fun week last weekend. It was birthday treat week! Oh, and I meet one of my high school mate, which I haven’t meet her for like almost 7 years. Luckily, she still recognized me. It was total fun! We met in PIM then do some shopping and lunch. Apparently she has the lame likes in window shopping, so we match!!!

Well, what to tell you? Last night I had this keripik Padang for late snack and ended up woke up at 5 am and rush to the toilet. Gosh! It was super hot! But, it was delicious! You should try it, but don’t try only eat that without any proper dinner before, it attacks your stomach directly! Trust me!

I like the weather these days. It’s either cloudy or Rain. I love rain so much…It the real rain, not R
ain the Korean artist. Does Cloudy day make you feel gloomy? Nope, it makes me smile. Rain even makes me happy. Rain is romantic. I’ve been telling some of my friends of this statement. Some agree, mostly not. It’s their opinion anyway. Well, although I love rain there is one exception condition of all, it's a total misery and totally annoying when it is raining in the morning, especially when it is my time to go to the office. It’s a freaking annoying rain!!! But, when I already in the office, I will love rain back..hahahahahahahahahaha..I hate rain in the morning and working day, because I simply don’t want to ruin or wet my office attire. That’s it! Oh, one more thing, that means I have to take a cab to the officw, which is more expensive than my daily transport expense…(hehehehehehehe…I’m Chinese so I have to calculate everything =PP)
Thanks to God, until this day, I have no problem with Rain….hopefully this will continue until the end of rainy season….